Saturday, March 6, 2010

Scale service meets the information age

Have you had this problem? Your being audited, and the inspector is demanding proof that your equipment was calibrated. You know that the equipment was serviced. You know the paperwork is somewhere, but where? You know the inspector is looking for any excuse to ding you, and right about now he is ready to go in for the kill. Fortunately for you your working with Left Coast Scales, and subscribe to the Online-Certification program.

You ease over to your desk. and have all the reports right at your fingertips. Along with Current certifications for the standards used and, all service history. You produce the documents with ease, and are able to get back to work.

Left Coast Scales, LLC introduces communication age solution for an industrial revolution problem. Left Coast Scales online certs provide the customer with online documentation at their fingertips 24/7. To find out more about our Online-Certification program
call us direct (800) 618-0746

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cheap Scale Labels

Let's face it in these tight times ongoing costs are an ongoing issue. How can we cut costs, without cutting out quality. One way is finding a quality online source for the expendables that need periodic replacement. A few dollars here or there can really add up. We are providing high quality scale labels at a heavy discount to help relieve the crunch. To see our selection click here.